BreakThrough Approaches For Peripheral Neuropathy

“Discover What Many Doctors Don’t Know About PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY. Find Out The Truth About Your Problem And How To Get Rid Of It Once And For All… Without Drugs!”

You are about to discover on this page…

— What Many Doctors Don’t Know About Peripheral Neuropathy!

–The Hidden Spot Most Doctors Fail To Check As The Cause Of Your Problem!

— Why Taking Pills And Doing Exercises Probably Isn’t A Good Idea If You Want To Get Rid Of Numbness/Burning/Tingling and Pain Once And For All!

— Why Only Going To Your Family Or HMO Doctor Could Lead To Years Of Misery And Frustration.

–Why There is No Surgery for Peripheral Neuropathy.

— How To Naturally And Safely Get Rid Of YOUR NUMBNESS /BURNING/TINGLING & PAIN NOW! And Much Morel

Dear Sufferer,

First of all, congratulations on being here today! You’re going to discover how to avoid years of misery and frustration – the same misery and frustration millions of Americans suffer every day because they don’t have this seldom discussed information right in front of them like you do right now!

Peripheral Neuropathy is a sneaky, potentially disabling epidemic that is sweeping across America as we speak. Many of your family, friends, and co-workers will experience the same symptoms you do because of a number of factors including misinformation and inappropriate care.

That’s why this report was written…so keep reading to find out what many doctors don’t know about peripheral neuropathy. The truth WILL shock you!

You see, what’s so dangerous about numbness is that it’s not an injury like a broken bone or a cut or scrape. Numbness, tingling, burning and pain usually comes on slowly. You don’t notice it at first, or maybe you just brush off the sensation thinking it’s nothing, and then it slowly builds and builds. You start feeling numbness and tingling. You become more irritable. You start taking pills to get through the day.

And then one day you realize you just aren’t the same person you used to be. And that’s when you go to your family doctor to get checked out.

If you were to go to your family or HMO doctor complaining about numbness, burning, pain and tingling you’ll probably hear something along the lines of…”You probably have peripheral neuropathy. Try these meds and if they don’t work, you may have to learn to live with it.”

This is a blaring alarm that your doctor may not be the person to talk to. You see, most doctors do great with general medicine. If you have an ear infection or the flu, medical science can do wonders!   But when it comes to a condition like peripheral neuropathy, many doctors just don’t have the training or experience to properly diagnose the true cause of your problem and get rid of your problem for good.


Peripheral Neuropathy is a tricky condition. You see, your peripheral neuropathy can have a number of causes, and some of those causes aren’t even in the area where you are experiencing numbness! Because many doctors don’t know where these places are, they assume that since your peripheral neuropathy is in your extremities the problem is solely in that region.

Every day, thousands of patients who suffer from peripheral neuropathy make the mistake of going to their family doctors because they don’t have the information you’re about to read. Going to your family doctor may result in your symptoms becoming more severe, and worse yet, you may receive unnecessary surgery. Don’t put yourself at risk for misery, suffering, and the decreased income from missing time from work.

Here Are The Dark Secrets About Medications, Cortisone Shots, And Splints…

The main problem with the treatments some doctors prescribe for peripheral neuropathy is that they never go after the root of the problem, but focus on the symptoms – in your case; numbness, tingling, burning, pain and/or a feeling of weakness. And when these treatments wear off (which they do), you’ll often find they only cover up your problem for a short time and do nothing to fix what’s causing your peripheral neuropathy in the first place.

Some doctors give their patients anti-seizure meds like Neurontin for their peripheral neuropathy. Anti-seizure meds like Neurontin, Klonopin, and Topamax were not meant to cure peripheral neuropathy! (I guess it doesn’t matter that Pfizer, the maker of Neurontin, was fined $430 million dollars in 2004 for recommending that Neurontin be used “off label,” or for purposes other than its intended use). These drugs were developed for EPILEPSY, NOT PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY! These meds work by using a chemical that tells your brain to SLOW DOWN. While this may be okay once in a while, using these medications can only make your condition worse in the long run in two ways:

  1. Peripheral Neuropathy, as we all know, is your body’s way to telling you there is something wrong. And because you feel numbness, burning, tingling, weakness and/or pain, you stop doing things that can make your problem worse. For instance, if you sprained your ankle and didn’t know it, then you’d keep walking on it until it fell off or something horrible happened.

If you are taking pills so you can get through a day of work, then you are probably making your problem worse because you’ve sabotaged your body’s only means of keeping you healthy. Obviously, this form of treatment is not a permanent fix – no matter how many pills you take, you’ll never get better!

  1. These pills can cause dangerous side effects. You see, the chemical they disable does more than just slow down your brain. Depending on what pill you’re taking, you can leave yourself open to liver failure, kidney damage, and gastrointestinal hemorrhage.

Trust me on this, these ‘side effects’ are 100 TIMES WORSE than the peripheral neuropathy you’re taking these pills for in the first place!

Wearing wrist or foot splints may seem harmless enough, but you’re only supposed to wear them when you have numbness. Using them as a crutch will only lead to the formation of scar tissue in your wrist or foot. And that will only make your condition worse!

So, if your doctor is treating you by covering up your numbness…

YOUR Doctor’s Treatment Is Most Likely Making Your Problem Worse!

Since none of your doctor’s treatments are meant to actually correct the true cause of your problem, logic says your condition will only get worse. You’ll be wearing your splint longer and longer, and your pills will have to get stronger and stronger. If you’re like most of the long-term peripheral neuropathy sufferers I’ve talked to, your life has probably become less than it should be.

OK, so you’ve done the pills and splints. What’s next? Typically, physical therapy.

The problem here is this: physical therapists only follow the directions given by your doctor. And if your doctor hasn’t discovered the true cause of your condition, then the physical therapists continue working on the part of the body where you feel numbness. Oftentimes, this is NOT what caused the problem in the first place!

After unsuccessful physical therapy, doctors usually tell the patient to “learn to live with it.”

The #1 Reason Why Most Treatments for PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY FAIL!

Fortunately for you, if your doctor’s treatments fail, it doesn’t mean you’re incurable… it just means your doctor was looking in the wrong place! The majority of doctors tend to get so sidetracked focusing on the area involved that they overlook something so incredibly obvious.

It’s so simple that it tends to shock numbness sufferers!

You see, in order for ANY SENSATION to travel to your brain, it has to find a pathway. In essence, it needs a road to get there just like you need a road to get to your job in the morning.

In your body, this road is called your nervous system. And…

If you interfere with the nervous system anywhere along its ‘road’, it can make you feel numbness, burning, tingling, pain and weakness in other places – like your wrist, hands, arms, legs and feet!

So, if all this attention your doctor has given to the area of peripheral neuropathy doesn’t seem to pan out, it may be because there’s nothing wrong with that body part at all! In fact, you can be a normal, healthy adult with a perfectly normal wrist, hand, arm, leg, or foot and still feel NUMBNESS/PAIN/WEAKNESS/BURNING & TINGLING!

That’s right, you may be suffering from peripheral neuropathy right now in your wrist, hand, arm, leg or foot, AND…

YOU May NOT have any problem with those body parts!

I know this may come as a shock to you, but imagine this: If the REAL cause of peripheral neuropathy were to be found to be treatable and permanently eliminated… then yes, your weakness, tingling, burning, and numbness would go away as well.

Imagine how your life will change. You won’t have to take those pills anymore, and you can stop wearing those ugly splints!

I invite you to relax, close your eyes, and picture in your mind a day without your bothersome numbness; a day where you could do whatever you want and not worry about the numb, burning, painful, tingly feeling in your hand, wrist, arm, leg, or foot.

Can you picture that image in your head? What favorite activity are you doing? How healthy and happy do you look? Who are you spending this time with?

Isn’t a moment like this what life is all about?

How would you like to make that fantasy into your reality? How would you like to, once and for all, get rid of your numbness and all that goes with it? No more reduced life, no more irritation, no more limitations… just a happy, enjoyable, worry-free life.

So let’s start with what makes my office completely DIFFERENT from any doctor that you have seen up to now…

#1: COMPLETE NEUROLOGIC TESTING WITH EWOT (Exercise with Oxygen Therapy):

OXYGEN … your brain and nervous system need TWO things to survive: FUEL and ACTIVATION. Activation comes from the treatments that are listed below. Fuel comes in the form of OXYGEN and glucose. You get the glucose from the food that you eat, which is why it is important to eat a healthy diet. AS YOU AGE, YOUR ABILITY TO UTILIZE OXYGEN DECREASES.   One of our treatments is to give patients oxygen to increase their body’s fuel delivery system. It’s called EWOT or Exercise with Oxygen Therapy and it’s like gas in the car… if you don’t have any gas in the car, you are not going anywhere. If you don’t have oxygen available for your brain and nervous system, most likely, no treatment will work!

UNILATERAL ADJUSTING… the right brain controls the left side of the body and the left brain controls the right side. If there is a decrease of firing or impulses in one side of the brain, I ONLY WANT TO ADJUST YOU ON THE OPPOSITE SIDE. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Also, I WILL ONLY USE VERY LIGHT ADJUSTING SO YOU WILL NOT GET WORSE!   Have you ever had an adjustment and felt worse afterward? It is because the adjustment was TOO MUCH for your nervous system. It over-stimulated, or (get ready for another $3 term that neurologists use) it “exceeded metabolic capacity.”

AUDITORY STIMULATION… listening to sound in one ear will stimulate the opposite side of the brain and increase impulses.

OLFACTORY STIMULATION…smelling different scents will stimulate the brain. Your sight, sound, taste, and touch all travel through a sensory area of your brain called the thalamus. SMELL GOES DIRECTLY TO THE BRAIN.

CALORICS… warm water in the ear will stimulate the semicircular canals in your ear and fire the vestibular nerve back to your cerebellum. The cerebellum fires to the brain, the brain fires to the lower brainstem (ponto-medullary region), and your lower brainstem slows down the upper brainstem (mesencephalon).


Has your doctor specifically checked for an autoimmune disorder? There are two parts to your immune system, TH1 and TH2. IF one of these parts is dominant, you could have an autoimmune disorder. An autoimmune disorder is where your immune system is attacking your body causing your peripheral neuropathy.

The first part, called our “T”-Helper 1 System (TH-1 System), is our immediate immune response system. It is responsible for an immediate attack against foreign invaders like bacteria, viruses, mold, fungi, or parasites. The cells involved in the TH-1 system are called macrophages, natural killer cells, and cytotoxic T- Cells. It is our front-line defense.

The other part of our immune system is our T-Helper 2 (TH-2) system. It involves the production of antibodies to “tag” onto invaders so our TH-1 system can more easily destroy the invaders. It is our B cells that are responsible for producing the antibodies.

The balance between these two sides of our immune system is very important to look at with many peripheral neuropathy patients.

IF one of these parts is dominant, you could have an autoimmune disorder.

An autoimmune disorder is where your immune system is attacking your body and it could be causing your peripheral neuropathy. You are just about guaranteed to fail using medications alone. WHY? 90% of the time the primary mechanism is your immune system attacking your nervous system which is also known as an autoimmune attack. Medications alone do nothing to slow or stop the auto immune attack. Since the autoimmune mechanism is the most common cause of chronic conditions in the United States, you would think that it is commonly screened for by ALL doctors. Unfortunately, it is rarely, if ever, checked. The reason? Doctors are too hung up on treating peripheral neuropathy symptoms with medications. Why run extra tests if you are not going to alter the treatment based off the test results?


Has your doctor specifically checked you for any food sensitivities? Each time that you eat a food that you are sensitive to such as gluten (wheat, barley, rye, and oats), dairy, eggs, soy or yeast, it can cause your immune system to attack your body. THESE FIVE FOODS COULD BE SLOWLY KILLING YOU AND YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW IT BECAUSE YOU HAVE NOT BEEN TESTED!

Has your doctor run a COMPLETE thyroid panel? Your thyroid CONTROLS your body metabolism so if you suffer from peripheral neuropathy…IT MUST BE THOROUGHLY CHECKED! I not talking about an simple test for TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), I am talking about the COMPLETE BATTERY OF THYROID TESTS which includes Total T4 (TT4), Free T4 (FT4), Free T3, Free Thyroxine Index (FTI), Resin T3 Uptake, Reverse T3, Thyroid Binding Globulin and the thyroid antibodies…TPO and TGB! Your THYROID is EXTREMELY important and needs to be checked! Did you know that many doctors consider TSH levels from .35 to 5.0 to be “normal.” Optimal or “functional” TSH levels should be 1.8 to 3.0. What is YOUR TSH level? If it is not 1.8 to 3.0, have you had the FULL battery of thyroid tests? Has it ever been checked? If not…WHY?

4.Has your doctor checked your adrenal glands? Your adrenal glands are your “stress” glands and they are JUST AS IMPORTANT in successfully treating your thyroid!!! An ASI (Adrenal Stress Index) needs to be run on you which will check your cortisol levels at 8 am, noon, 4 pm and 10 pm.

5. Has your doctor checked you for blood disorders such as anemias? Anemia simply means you ARE NOT going to get oxygen to your tissues. There are different kinds of anemias such as iron, B12, Folic acid etc. And we can test for each one. Anemia is very important to find and correct. Without oxygen available for your brain and nervous system, most likely, no treatment will work! No supplement will work. No nutritional program will work.

If you are male have you ever been evaluated for Andropause?

If you are female has your doctor ever ordered an expanded female hormone panel?

If you are female and post-menopausal has your doctor ever assessed your risk factors for developing uterine or breast cancer?


If you answered “NO” to any or all of these questions then there is a good chance that your peripheral neuropathy is not being managed properly!!!


“How Will I Know That My Body Is Improving? Will This Work For Me?”

It’s ALL about re-testing. That’s how you and I will both know if you are improving and if our treatment is working. Our action plan is…test, treat and re-test.

We can’t spend all of this time and effort getting to the root of your problem and then just hope that our treatment protocols made the changes. We have to measure, and if necessary, change our treatment, and measure again. Not that you won’t be feeling better as we make these changes, but we have to measure our change so we keep moving toward the goals we set together.

It takes time to make these changes because of the test, treat, re-test scenario. Our job is to get to the root of your problem and correct it.

The reason you are reading this report and you have not been helped is because no one was willing to sit down and listen to you, no one was willing to take the time to understand your problem, no one has done a thorough workup on you, and no one has take the time necessary to make changes.

“What If It Doesn’t Work For Me?”

I will be right up front with you, the number one factor that determines success and failure with a case, is how closely the patient follows our care recommendations. If you do the things that I prescribe, then you are going to go down the road you have been wanting, probably for a long time, which is…moving toward “normal” again.

You are reading this because you are one of the smart few who wants to take control of your health, and do what it takes to help your body. Nothing else matters when you lose your health. I love working with patients like you because you are willing to sit here and learn about your problem, and listen, and make the changes necessary to get your health back on track. To get back to the business of living the good life again.

“What About the Cost?”

The cost of our initial review of your case and consultation is $149. As we discussed, our protocols steps out of the “medical box” so we can do what is necessary, and take the time necessary, to help YOU. Until we know the specifics of your case, what labs we need to run, and how long we anticipate it taking to make the functional changes we need, there is no way to say what the cost is going to be.

Just rest assured that I am on your side. My job is to work with YOU, to help you improve your condition. My job is to deal with all of the specifics of your case, listen to you, and work with you to make the proper functional changes.

Everything can be done in steps. The first step is a case review and consultation so we can get to specifics.

We have financing available through our office, and many different payment options to help out-of-pocket expenses have a very minimal impact on your financial situation. We can make it work.

Your main concern should be on getting well and feeling better again. You have the rest of your life in this body, and you can be energetic, healthy, and enjoy it, or suffer with your current symptoms. The best choice is to get to the cause of your problem!

You can be one of the fortunate few who get the proper support and management and live well OR you can continue feeling like you do now. The choice is yours…but the correct option is staring right at you. It’s here. I believe you know in your “gut” that this is what you need to do.

“I’m Ready To Get On Track, and Start Feeling Good Again, What Do I Do?”

At this point you should realize that your condition has not been managed in the most optimal way, and your current medication or therapy protocol is not going to get you where you want to go. You really should be asking, “How can I get this type of functional support approach? How can I get the kind of management you describe?”

“How Does Consulting With Your Office Work?”

Every new client we work with begins with a case review and consultation like I spoke of previously. There is no charge to find out if I can help you IF you call within two weeks of receiving this report.

When you schedule your case review and consultation, we will send you our comprehensive case history and dietary & nutritional questionnaire. This will allow us to learn everything about your case and your history. We will need you to send us all of your lab tests that you have had done by other doctors.

We will have you fax or mail both the questionnaires and the previous labs to our office, prior to your scheduled consultation. This allows us to have adequate time to review your case prior to your scheduled phone appointment. This makes our time together extremely efficient and productive for you.

During that consultation we are going to thoroughly discuss your case and talk about the dietary, lifestyle, and supplemental changes we can make immediately to make a positive impact on your condition.

We are also going to discuss the specific lab tests that will give us the specific information needed to uncover the mechanisms (causes) of your condition. We will direct you to the proper labs locally and have the results sent back to us. Most tests are done via a home collection kit so we will just send you whatever we determine is needed. For labs that require a blood draw we use a company called Lab Corp.

After we direct you to the appropriate labs we will usually receive your results in 2 to 4 weeks. At that time, we will have a follow-up consultation to review the results. Then, we will make very specific lifestyle, nutrition, and supplemental changes according to the results of YOUR labs, custom tailored to your exact needs.

How we continue our relationship after our initial consultation and follow-up appoint is completely up to you. After we have completed our initial consultation, and made our initial set of treatment recommendations we will decide on our next step.

Usually we will prescribe to you a series of diet, lifestyle, and supplemental changes, and then schedule another consultation in the future. This will allow us to review your progress, review your most recent lab findings, and move onto the next phase of care.

“What do I mean by the next phase of care?”

When we are working in the functional model (looking at the mechanisms for dysfunction) there is usually a logical progression of changes that we have to make in order to improve your condition. We may identify three imbalances, let’s call them A, B, and C. Your particular case may require correcting imbalance B before we can be effective with A and C. For example, you may have an autoimmune condition and we need to correct the autoimmune condition before we can correct other conditions.

This is an advantage to you!

What usually happens is a practitioner will ONLY look at imbalance C, because it’s their “specialty”, and after two or three attempts to support that imbalance they will give up with no results achieved. Had the “specialist” looked at the big picture and had done specific lab findings like we do, they would have known that imbalance B was the area that must be corrected before they ever had a chance to fix imbalance A or C.

We can work together to truly improve your condition. Just remember that this work takes time and we are going to take the necessary steps to help you reach your goals.

Initial Consultation with Dr Joel Rosen, D.C., D.A.A.I.M.

– $197 (No charge if you schedule within 2 weeks of requesting this report)

“What Is Included In The Initial Consultation?”

  1. A consultation with me, Dr Joel Rosen, D.C., D.A.A.I.M. to discuss your problems and concerns.
  1. A complete case history and questionnaire.
  1. A dietary and nutrition evaluation.
  1. A complete analysis of dietary habits.
  1. In addition we are going to analyze your current supplements, herbs, natural medicines, botanicals, and homeopathics to determine whether they are beneficial or actually detrimental to your condition.
  1. We will also review your medical records and lab tests, and we are going to go over them with a fine-tooth comb.
  1. We are going to determine whether you have had the appropriate lab tests ordered, and make a decision of what further testing is required.
  1. Implementation of any immediate beneficial changes we can make based off of previous labs and your history.

If you are sick and tired of living with your symptoms and slowly watching them get worse over time… If you would like to take a natural and functional approach to help and enhance your health and feel great again… then call us at 561-883-0090 and schedule your Complete Case Review and Consultation. We will get you scheduled and send out our new patient history and questionnaires. The cost for the initial consultation will cover the review of your history, review of past medical records, and our consultation.

DON’T continue feeling bad for another day, when the potential answer to your SUFFERING is here, right in front of you. How would you feel, finding out years from now that the answer to your problem was right in front of your face all along…and you let it slip through your fingers? Click here now! You won’t regret it.

At this point ask yourself the following questions:

#1: How have my symptoms affected my job, relationships, finances, family, or other activities?

#2: What has it cost me in time, money, happiness, sleep?

#3: Where do you picture yourself in the next one to three years if your peripheral neuropathy is not taken care of?

#4: What is it worth to you if we could improve your condition?


I’ve spent years helping patients who suffer from chronic peripheral neuropathy discover the truth about their problem and also ELIMINATE their symptoms quickly, easily, and naturally without any drugs or surgery!

That’s why I put together this information together. Frankly, I got sick and tired of seeing people just like you suffering through a lifetime of misery because no one ever bothered to reveal to them the truth about their condition!

In fact, since I’ve been helping people just like you eliminate their peripheral neuropathy, I’ve focused a majority of my practice and skills at helping patients with neurological conditions!

There is really nothing more pleasing than helping people just like you finally become symptom-free and living life on their own terms once again!

Thats why I put this information together. I want you to know the truth about peripheral neuropathy that almost everyone out there doesn’t seem to want you to know. I know that chances are great that I can eliminate – or at least, greatly reduce – your weakness, pain, tingling, burning and/or numbness!

If you’re suffering from constant, bothersome peripheral neuropathy, or maybe you just started feeling a slight numbness and tingling that you don’t want to get worse, then there is hope for you to get rid of your problem once and for all!

In fact, I’ve helped design a quick and easy Peripheral Neuropathy Evaluation that can determine where your problem is REALLY coming from. In fact, doctors all over the country are now using this method to help paresthesia suffers from all walks of life.

But, I have to warn you… It’s in your best interest to get your condition evaluated right now. If you procrastinate on this, your condition might deteriorate to the point where I can’t help you.

Call Within the Next Two Weeks for My FREE Phone Consultation

It Is The Best Way To Find Out What’s REALLY

Causing Your Problem!

Here’s What To Do Next…

Call my office at 561-883-0090 and tell my staff that you are interested in setting up a FREE CONSULTATION to discuss alternative treatments for your peripheral neuropathy with me, Dr. Rosen.

Our office is located at 9825 Marina Blvd Ste 300 Boca Raton Fl 33428, in the Sandalfoot plaza.


Dr. Joel Rosen D.C., D.A.A.I.M

P.S.   – If you have any questions, give us a call. We’ll answer any questions you have about your condition or concerns,   and then you can decide if you want your problem looked at.